Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mentor Text: Diary of a Wombat

I'm on a memoir kick these days and am preparing to pull together great mentor texts to provide my novice memoir writers with some support and wonderful examples.

I just posted about the possibilities for books like Memoirs of a Goldfish, Diary of a Worm, Diary of a Spider and Diary of a Fly.

Here's another possibility for a mentor text when writing a memoir:  Diary of a Wombat by Jackie French.

Ok...this book is MASSIVELY CUTE!  Written in a diary format much like the other books I've mentioned, the wombat in this book is absolutely mesmerizing and fabulous and...MASSIVELY CUTE!  (It actually makes me wish I lived in a place where a wombat might amble into your yard and make himself at home on your patio!)

Another great feature of this book, for me, at least...a student found this book and recommended it to me.  I'll forever be in the debt of Miss Grayson F.  She certainly has terrific taste in literature!

Diary of a Wombat has a place in my classroom writing book basket.  Have you added it to yours yet?

I'd love to hear how you use this book!

Happy reading!


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